Forever Faithful Goldens

About Us.
We are a family of 5. We got our first Golden, named Bella, in 2016, and oh my goodness, the love we felt for her was overwhelming! We decided to breed her in 2019. I had done childcare in my home for about 24 years, and I had been retired just two days before the litter had arrived! Whelping a litter of puppies was a scary experience, but thankfully my mentor, Dawn Clausen (from Heaven scent Golden Retrievers) had arrived just as Bella's water broke. The first puppy, unfortunately, did not survive, and I was devastated. I was so grateful that Dawn was there, because she was able to calm me down and help me push through for Bella's sake. The rest of the litter was perfectly healthy! Breeding dogs is not for the faint of heart. When the puppies were all nursing and we took a breath, we decided that we were going to be in this for the long haul. Raising those puppies for the first 8 weeks of their life brought me so much joy that I decided to continue breeding. I am learning a lot and doing lots of research to understand the world of breeding. We had kept a puppy from that first litter, and she was so beautiful, but she sadly passed away in 2021 due to ingestion from an unknown source. Throughout 2022, we brought home a couple of new puppies. Their names are Mimzy and Luna. We are training and competing in Rally and Obedience. The first time we competed was difficult for me, since it was a new experience, but it gets easier each time we step into the ring together. Our goal at Forever Faithful Goldens is to produce the best Standard and quality of health and temperament in these amazing, loving dogs! We are members of the Golden Retriever Club of America and the active in Pacific Rim Golden Retriever Club of Oregon.